Tinashe's Brother Was None Too Please To Find Out Ben Simmons Is Now Slinging Kendall Jenner

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Ouch. Hitting Ben where it hurts with the Donovan Mitchell ROY card that nobody cares about whatsoever. Harsh words from the man knowns as “Kudikaching”. In his defense, NONE of us are happy about this. As I stated a few days ago when the public found out about their spankage, we’ve got some potential big drama ahoy ahead of us. One doesn’t exactly improve their game when they start laying pipe in Kardashian territory. In fact, it’s the opposite. That’s just a fact. Blake Griffin got shipped from Sunny LA to the tracks of Detroit. Kayne’s got somehow even more loco. Hell, Lamar Odom went from 6th man of the year to his borderline death bed/futon. Ben Simmons literally doesn’t know his right from his left right now.

But Tinashe’s bro has some understandable personal issues with Ben, and it didn’t stop with that Tweet:

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That’s right. (A word I will never, ever get caught saying and/or typing on the record)’s don’t respect. This entire exchange is amazingly ironic in a thread DIRECTLY AFTER a Tweet defending his freaking Grandmother’s account on Twitter.

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RIP Gramma’s Twitter. I think Tinashe’s family will rebound just fine. Oh, Tinashe, too. Completely forgot she was involved and her opinion is the only one that matters in the situation. Apparently slips her family’s mind, as well. She’s gonna be alright.