I Lost 3 Pounds In May And Have Lost A Total Of 49 Pounds Since The Beginning Of 2018

We’re back!

For any newcomers, I started the year at 263 pounds. I lost 21 pounds in January. I lost 13 pounds in February. I lost 8 pounds in March. I lost 4 pounds in April. And now I lost 3 more pounds in May. Bringing the grand total to 49 pounds lost in 2018.

We’re to the point now where I don’t know how much lower I can go. I’d like to get to 205 or 210 but I don’t know if I can. Well I’m sure I can but I doubt I’d wanna stay at that weight. 215ish seems like my comfort zone. Which I’m more than happy with. I’ve lost nearly 50 pounds. That’s pretty damn good.

This is gonna be repetitive but I just keep doing the elliptical 4-5 times a week (up to an hour now) and eating healthy. I try to avoid carbs. I eat chicken and vegetables and eggs. Me and my guy Coley Mick are still drinking daily green juices. Once you get in an eating routine it’s sooooooo much easier. Eating like shit isn’t even really appealing anymore to me. For instance, I was back in Iowa for a wedding over Memorial Day weekend and I ate like shiiiiiiiit and it made me feel like shiiiiiiiiiiit. Like physically ill. I ate delicious breakfast pizza twice and it crippled me (worth it though). I used to be able to eat 5 slices without missing a beat. Once you train your body to eat good things, your body will reject bad things. Easier said than done but you can get there.

Still not boozing. I haven’t drank in three months or so. This seems to be the thing most people are interested in. Lemme tell you something. Not drinking is definitely boring but it’s also super awesome. Not having to deal with hangovers is spectacular. Saturday mornings where I get up and enjoy a cup of joe without my head feeling like it’s being run over by a Mack truck? Delightful. No regretful text messages. No shame. I’m sure there’s a middle ground where I could just drink less but that only works in theory. I don’t wanna drink two vodka sodas and head home at 11pm. That’s not worth it to me. I wanna drink 9 vodka sodas and head home at 3am. Not to mention I’m 29 years old. I did more than my fair share of maniac drinking throughout my 20s. Probably a good idea to dial it back a little at some point.

That’s it I guess. If anything, these past few months have been like a reset for my body. 263 was wayyyyyyyy too heavy and unhealthy. I needed to get back down so I can feel comfortable. I’m super comfortable at 215ish. 5 months in and I don’t feel like a fat slob anymore. Then again, maybe I’ll go nuts and try to get down to 205 just for the hell of it. We’ll see.

I simply need to move my body around more so I don’t pack as much weight on my body. That’s it. Maybe eat a little better, too. I was doing nothing before. Now I’m doing a little more than nothing and that’s perfect.

That’s still the goal. We’re gonna keep working. See you in a month.
