FBI Agent Attempts A Backflip In A Denver Bar And Things Promptly Go Awry

So this is going super viral right now. Folks trying to make all sorts of points about responsibility and they couldn’t be missing the real story here if they tried any harder: this dude can’t dance for shit.

I don’t know what type of seizure-inducing beat was forcing those gyrations but buddy went full Elaine Benes before thinking he was athletic enough to do a backflip. A backflip is one of those things you know if you can do or not. That’s not a move you just break out on a whim and hope for the best. Unless you’re this guy, because he very clearly cannot do a backflip under any circumstances. He could barely do half of the required rotations necessary towards completing a standard backflip.

I suppose that’s just the type of pressure you feel in the middle of a dance circle at 12:45 AM. All eyes on you, in your mind you’re crushing it, but you can’t get out of there without hitting a showstopper. And a backflip is on the pantheon of big time showstoppers, so I can see where his mind was at in this moment. I guess these are just the types of things that are bound to happen when you train at the Moe Szyslak Academy of Dance.