Uhhhhhh What The Hell Did Phil Mickelson Just Do?

WILD move from Phil Mickelson just now at Shinnecock Hills. He hit his putt with a little bit too much speed…………….and then ran after it and hit it again before the ball stopped rolling. Wait what? It was so stunning that I thought I was watching a replay of him on the practice putting green. Nope. He’s in the middle of his round.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done that a billion times. We’ve all done that a billion times. It’s a classic move when your putt is about to go flying off the green cause you’re a terrible putter. I’ve just never seen a professional golfer ever do it. Did Lefty have a brain aneurysm on live television? I’m legitimately concerned. I know it’s his birthday and all but you can’t just be hitting your ball again before it stops rolling. Fucking wild. Phil is ready to GTFOutta the Hamptons. I respect it. I’m sure he’ll will hit us with a thumbs up and we’ll all be like, “Ahhhhh that’s just whacky dad Phil” but that’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen.