Watching Frank The Tank Make Kool-Aid Is The Perfect Way To Ease Into This Sunday

And that my friends is why Barstool is heading to the moon. We have three (3) different people with cooking shows and they each nail it in completely different ways. Shaun Latham is the common man that can make you laugh while also creating an incredible meal using a common man’s budget. Donnie blows your mind with delectable foreign treats that sometimes leaves you whispering “whoa that’s weird” to yourself. And then we have Frank The Tank, who can turn mixing some water with some sugar into a 5 minute masterpiece.

I’ll be honest, when I saw that Tank was making Kool Aid, I figured we were in for a 30 second video, max. Dump in mix, pour in water, and stir until everything’s dissolved. Instead we learned just as much about about the man making the Kool-Aid as we did about how to make a refreshing drink to that pairs perfectly with your bacon and eggs every morning (how gangsta is drinking Kool Aid for breakfast by the way?)

We got to meet Frank’s Excalibur, his trusty wooden spoon that has clearly accompanied him on countless culinary adventures. A Mets pitcher from the fucking EIGHTIES that constantly gets filled with powder not named Doc Gooden along with some of Frank’s patented griping about the Mets. And a Tank soundbite to go on his Hall of Fame resume alongside the “INCOMPETENT” line that turned the Frank into a viral sensation.

And while the video was entertaining, it was still extremely informative. We learn that Tank follows Kool-Aid Man’s recipe to the tee. No extra bit of powder to turn your Kool-Aid into Super Unleaded like I used to do as a kid. That’s rookie shit. If Kool-Aid was supposed to have more than a capful of mix, it would say so in the recipe. Dumping the mix in as the water pours into the pitcher ensures even distribution of sugar was another sign that this isn’t Tank’s first or even 1000th rodeo. And finally, I will admit that I have long stopped mixing my Kool-Aid so hard that a tornado forms because I lost a little bit of my dinosaur due to fatherhood. But Frank reminded me that you have to get that tornado up to an F-5 in order that the flavor spreads perfectly. Did The Tank do it again or did The Tank do it again?

So make sure to subscribe to Frank’s YouTube channel so you can get Tank Cooks episodes fresh out of the frying pan.