Lonnie Walker Continues To Be The Weirdest Dude, Now Claiming Bruce Lee Is His Alter Ego


[ESPN] – It’s kind of like my alter ego when I played on the court, the more enhanced me. When people see me, it would be like, ‘Oh, that’s Bruce Lee on the court.’ So I started to just use it as a Twitter name for a little bit.

Lonnie Walker couldn’t be a weirder dude if he tried. He makes Kyrie look like a very normal human being with his quotes. Walker has gone on about thinking Earth is an illusion, which just absolutely blew Kyrie’s flat Earth theory out of this hypothetical world, Walker thinks we live in.

Now he’s saying Bruce Lee is his alter ego on the court. Why Bruce Lee? Shit if I have any clue. It makes absolutely no sense that I can only respect his craziness even more. He’s like the guy Dwight Howard wants to be. That zany, off the wall guy that actually is liked by teammates.

I almost want the Celtics to trade up and take him so we get him and Kyrie talking theories together. This from a guy who never wants the Celtics to do anything positive. That’s how much I love Lonnie Walker and his ability to dominate interviews.

What I do need though is Walker to immediately embrace this Bruce Lee alter ego. He needs to show up for his first game in a full karategi and only answer to the name Bruce when he enters the arena. In any interviews away from the arena, he can be Lonnie. But, if he says his name is Bruce, I’mma call him Bruce.