Will Borelli’s Restaurant Refusing To Give John Tavares Free Chicken Parm Subs For Life Be The Reason He Doesn’t Sign With the Islanders?


So the big news in NHL free agency right now is John Taveres meeting with a ton of teams before he signs his next deal. Well this is huge news at Barstool because Frankie Borelli is the biggest Islander fan on the planet. He’s been talking about this moment in time non stop for 2 years now. He’ll just randomly blurt out a couple times a day to nobody in particular that if Taveres doesn’t sign with the Islanders he’ll kill himself.

As the big moment approaches we keep hearing more and more teams are courting him.  Islander fans are in full panic mode.  In fact right now there is currently a story going viral about how an Islander fan offered to deliver John Taveras fresh bagels every day to his house in NY. Apparently this led to a conversation in the Borelli household about whether they should offer him free chicken parms everyday for the rest of his life at Borelli’s which is right across from the Nassau Colosseum. Shockingly this  proposal was flatly rejected by Mr. Borelli who said John Taveres has enough money to buy his own chicken parms. Frankie seemed to agree with him. This is a direct quote from Frankie this morning “We can’t just be giving out free chicken parms for life” to people. It’s just shocking to hear this from the self proclaimed #1 Islander fan on the planet. I think this begs the question of whether Bagel man is a bigger fan than Frankie?  And if Taveres doesn’t sing with the Islanders could the Borelli’s be partly to blame?   File this under things that make you go hmm.