The Worst Man In The World Called The Cops Because Someone Was Eating A Burrito On His Train

What the fuck has happened to the Bay Area? The home of free love, crazy ass Raiders fans, and the Tanner family has somehow become the home of snitches and narcs.

First we had BBQ Becky

Then Permit Patty

And now Burrito Bitchboy/Bob/Burt or whatever viral nickname he ends up with.

I could give this guy a bit of a pass if he called the cops because someone was eating tuna fish or egg salad on the train. That’s a crime against humanity. But holding people to the letter of the law printed on those little train plaques is lame as fuck, especially since a burrito is pretty tame for cooked food. If/when I run jog walk for office, I will push for a law that if you bother cops with nonsensical snitch bullshit like this, your ass will get thrown in the paddy wagon for wasting the police’s time. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. At the very least the 5-0 should have ripped the Hawaiian shirt off this guy’s back when they arrive, because that dude is clearly not about that #MahaloLife.