Food Tour Preview

About to start hour number 2 with Willie on Barstool Breakfast, SIRIUS Channel 85.  Tune in if you can, or listen to the replay on the SIRIUS app.  I have been having fun with this shit.

Will be out of office most of the afternoon.  I am grabbing fellow Barstool bloggers, Chaps and Kate, and giving them a little food tour around the ass-end of Brooklyn where I was raised. Chaps is from Texas, Kate hasn’t been to most of the places I have in mind, and I don’t get back to Brooklyn enough, so should be a 10,000 calorie win-win for us all.

Haven’t worked out exactly how we’ll blog about it afterwards, but I am the writer with the least seniority (and hair) ((and muscle tone)) (((and probably life expectancy… sigh))), so I assume I’ll just re-post whatever gets written.

I did something similar with a handful of guys from CITI in maybe 2007, or so.  We loaded into my truck after work and jumped around Brooklyn, hitting 5 or 6 places along the way… We were drunk by the time we made it back to my parents’ house, and my mom made scones and tea while we hung out in my side yard and waited for everyone’s car service to come.

I will not be bugging my parents this year, mainly because Chaps is kind of scary.

For those who care, here is the tentative schedule:

1) They went to Coney Island yesterday (Cyclone and Nathan’s, like fucking tourists), but I am going to take them back to split a pie from Totono’s- 1524 Neptune (bet 15th and 16th).

2) Then a glass of cheap red, a plate calamari (hot sauce), and unbridled racism at Randazzo’s in Sheepshead Bay.
3) Then a Red square and a spumoni at L&B- 2725 86th Street.
4) Then a Panelle at Joe’s of Ave U- 287 Avenue U. 
5) Then a roast beef and a cold short at Brennan and Carr.
6) Finish up with a lobster tail and a coffee at Cuccio’s- 320 Avenue X (West 1st St).

And for those who are familiar with the non-sexy side of Brooklyn, if there’s anything I missed in the Coney Island/Sheepshead Bay/Bensonhurst area, let me know… I am not waiting in line at DiFara.


Talk soon… Take a report.
