Bill Russell Continues His Tour Of Not Giving A Fuck By Giving Vince Carter The Finger

Bill Russell is a goddamn national treasure. But, this video reads like an ad lib. Bill Russell, sitting next to Vlade Divac in Las Vegas gives Vince Carter the finger. Just an absolute top notch video here and I can only respect Bill Russell’s ability to not give one flying fuck. The dude just loves giving people the finger.

This all started with him at the NBA Awards giving Charles Barkley the business:

One can only hope this continues. I want him to go after everyone in the NBA. No matter when he shows up to the arena he finds a current or former player and just tells them to fuck off. LeBron, Durant, Giannis, I don’t care who. It’s my favorite thing going now.

Just look at the reaction from Carter. He loves it. Vlade loves it. Bill Russell’s middle finger is the hottest story in the NBA offseason.