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Breaking: Poor Poor Deadpin Is Threatening To Sue Us For Asking Our Readers To Help Us Buy Them….BAHAHAHAHAH!


Reader Email

From: Kavi Reddy 
Date: July 16, 2018 at 4:41:00 PM EDT
Cc: legal, John Aceves

Subject: Cease and desist use of Deadspin trademark, name, logo

I am Deputy General Counsel of Gizmodo Media Group, LLC (“Gizmodo Media”), publisher of It has come to our attention that Barstool Sports (“BS”) is using Deadspin’s name, trademark and logo without permission for a commercial purpose (see, and the attached screenshot). Immediately cease using any intellectual property of Gizmodo Media Group’s, including from promotion or appearance on social media channels and other internet uses. Confirm to me when you have done so. You may contact me at if you have any questions. Gizmodo Media reserves all rights. Regards, Kavi Reddy

Kavi Reddy
Deputy General Counsel
Gizmodo Media Group LLC
Deadspin | Gizmodo | Jalopnik | Jezebel | Kotaku | Lifehacker
114 Fifth Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10011

Oh no! You just hate to see it! You just hate to see it! Poor poor Deadspin just getting pushed all over the ring by big bad Barstool. I can see it now. The Green Monster, Samer Kadolphin and Laura Wagner probably running around the offices with their hair on fire. We can’t let that alpha male who looks like a freshly baked cookie El Presidente buy us! Somebody get the bully off of us! Help! Oh no! What do we do! What do we do!!!! SAVE US Kadi! Save us!

PS – How insulting is it that Deadspin thinks we need this Amazon sale to afford them?  That was just a joke our marketing department came up with for today.  I didn’t even know about it till Kavi sent this cease and desist.

On a more serious note though I have already inquired how much it would cost for me to acquire them from Univision.  And I’m not talking about buying them through Barstool either.  I’d buy them with my personal money just to stick em in my back pocket. Why? Because I’m rich and some people just like to watch the world burn.

Double PS – Is there any group of people who define the “dish it but can’t take it” motto more than Deadspin? I mean a C+D for this?  Really guys?  This isn’t the Laura Wagner I’ve come to love.  She generally fights fire with fire.   This is just sad. What happened to our elegant dance of seduction?  It looks like true romance may be dead after all.