Would You Look Inside This Box?


I gotta think that I would. I probably would even if I knew what the consequences were. For example, nearly two years ago, I knew that if I clicked a link, I could see a picture of Orlando Bloom’s dick on the beach.

Not only did I click it, but I wrote a blog about it.

Same with Draymond Green. Same with Ray J. Same with Jay Williams. And on and on. Nothing wrong with being curious.

Even if there isn’t a dick in the box, maybe there’s a piece of candy in there. That would be wonderful! A surprise bathroom candy would make my day. Not gonna make a Hershey bar joke. Grow up. Mints would be a better bathroom candy. The fellas with all the colognes and whatnot know that.

Anyways.. Sometimes you gotta take a looksee. Nothing wrong with that. Hell, that’s why you clicked this blog. You wanted to see if I opened the box for you. I’d never do that. You’re at work. Gotta keep it PG.

I bet that guy has a shitty dick.