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There Was A 50+ Person Gypsy Brawl With Weapons And Women In Germany

Shorter version:

Alternate angle:

ECW! ECW! ECW!!! I’ll admit that I’m not exactly sure what the word gypsy means, but this was sold to me as a gypsy fight and now I love gypsies. I always thought gypsies were people that traveled in caravans and tried to sell you wares and elixirs like an old school magical flea market. And that may be the case. KFC calls me a gypsy sports fan because I root for the Mets and Giants. However considering the amount of joy the Jets and Mets give him, I never took any offense to it.

But in addition to all that stuff, gypsies can apparently scrap. Like half the people in that video had a weapon ready to roll before the first punch had been thrown. It was like watching a coed version of the Anchorman news teams fight but in real life with more things going on at once than a Where’s Waldo page. One dude was armed with a bed post, another brought a tire iron, and my favorite was this dude had his chair.


That guy better never let his friends/family/gypsy pack live this video down either. He knew what was about to take place in that street and had his trusty clobbering chair in hand and they tried to talk him out of using it. Well instead of the peace being kept, everything escalated like this guy knew it would and the progression of him and that chair was a perfect metaphor for how that fight went for him and his gypsy pack.


Now if you will excuse me, I will be going down a Gypsy Fights YouTube wormhole since the PC Police shutdown Bum Fights years ago and gypsy fights are apparently a modern day version of those with more combatants, weapons, and fancy robes.