President Trump Did Not Get Fooled By Sasha Baron Cohen In The Slightest

Years ago, President Trump wasn’t having any of Ali G’s bullshit. He sniffed that ole trope out way before many of today’s modern day political figures would have. Trump didnt have time for Cohen’s bullshit then and he certainly doesnt now. Although, I do think Ali G’s idea about ice cream gloves is pretty solid.

Not as solid as his most recent idea of developing a device that can identify a sexual predator with the waiving of a hand. He uses Roy Moore to demonstrate. Roy was nonetoopleased about.

Goodness, gracious. The first two minutes are about what I expected. The clip at the end where Cohen brings out the metal detector is something altogether different. Sasha being able to keep a straight face in situations like are unlike anyone else in comedy and he’s been doing it for fucking years.

I recently started watching some of those old segments from the Ali G show are they are pure gold still.

Obviously, that schtick has been done before on the Office and other places but this one really sunk its teeth in. I wish we could have seen a readout of what was going through Roy Moore’s mind. It would be must-read.