Tom Cruise Finding Out From Seth Rogen That There Was Porn On The Internet In 2006 Was The Real Reason He Jumped On Oprah's Couch

TOM Cruise had no idea you could watch pornography on the internet until Seth Rogen told him.
Writer and director Judd Apatow was there to witness the moment Tom Cruise learnt about porn and told talk show host Stephen Colbert all about it on The Late Show.

“I did once have a meeting with Tom Cruise,” Apatow said. “He’s a very, very nice man.
“I got asked to meet him. He was looking potentially to do not an action movie, a romantic comedy.”
This was back in 2006 when Apatow was making Knocked Up with Seth Rogen and he invited the actor to join him for the meeting with Cruise.
“No one knew who Seth was,” Apatow recalled.
“He wasn’t famous so he was just a dude with me and so I said, ‘Someone needs to witness this.’
“So we’re talking to him (Cruise), and I don’t know how it came up, but it usually comes up with Seth where (he) starts talking about marijuana and pornography.

“And he starts talking about watching adult films on the internet and Tom Cruise goes, ‘What? You’re saying there’s adult films on the internet?’
“And Seth’s like, ‘Yeah, there’s all these movies on these websites.’ And Tom Cruise’s like, ‘Wait a second. You’re saying if I go on the computer, on the world wide web, there are people having sex?’”
Rogen told Cruise that he watches porn on the internet “all the time”.
“Everybody does it, it’s not a big deal anymore,’” Rogen said, according to Apatow.
The Knocked Up director told Colbert he still isn’t 100 percent certain if Cruise was actually hearing about internet porn for the first time.
“He was being very polite, but I think … I assume he was against it and being polite, but who knows,” Apatow said. “We’ll never know.”

What an outrageous story. Celebrities, man. I used to think that stories about businessmen or Presidents not knowing how to use email or smartphones was bullshit. How on earth can you get to the top of your field and not know how to do those simple things? I then saw a video of Barack Obama trying to use a cell phone and it was one of the more breathtaking videos I’ve ever seen. He looked at the phone like he was staring into the soul of Satan himself. He was pressing buttons in a nonsensical way and holding it completely wrong. Turns out, he didnt touch a smartphone for 8 years. He was using a razor before he became President.

Either way, Tom Cruise found out about internet porn right around the time he was dating Katie Holmes. He seemed happier and more sexually satisfied than ever…

Maybe it was Katie. Now, maybe it wasnt. Maybe jerking off to internet porn was the real reason why he jumped on Oprah’s couch and looked like an absolute maniac. Dude loved to beat it and he just found a whole new world. It all makes more sense now