Best Thing In Sports Today: Kentucky Football Signs 11-Year Old, Who Gives Awesome Press Conference

Sometimes we just need to talk about the good in the sports world. Today, it’s Kentucky football and its signing of an 11-year old in-state recruit. Now, it’s not what you think. This isn’t some just reach to sign an 11-year old like we’ve seen happen before. This is Luke Klausing, an 11-year old battling cystic fibrosis.

These type of stories are the ones that make me choke up. During camps you see teams bringing in kids that will never get a chance to play college sports and give them a handoff for a touchdown. Tears every single damn time. You see things like this across the country and again, tears every. Damn. Time.

I’ll tell you what though? I LOVE this kid. He’s the most confident person in the world and could give some athletes a pointer or two when it comes to press conferences. I mean look at this response:

Who gives a shit about a 31-year losing streak when you’re as cool as Luke? I hope Stoops lines him up at wide receiver (his listed position) for the first play of the game in the Swamp. If you don’t think he’d make a ridiculous catch to take it to the house, you’re out of your mind.

Good on Stoops and Kentucky football here for making a kids dream come true and keep fighting, Luke. Also a quick shout out to Team IMPACT, just an amazing charity organization who helped put all this together. I highly suggest shooting them a follow (@GoTeamIMPACT) and check out their website by clicking here.

As for Luke, hopefully Kentucky gets that win over Florida for you.