With The New Season Of Hard Knocks Premiering, Here Is A Spoof Of The Show Recorded By Our Fordham Guys

On days I’m hungover as fuck, my favorite activity is watching YouTube videos. I watch a mixed bag of weird shit like people getting blackheads removed, pranks and 3 hour X-Plane 10 streams. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that one of our graphics guys Quigs dug up what has become my favorite show/documentary to watch lately. It’s a spoof of the show Hard Knocks, following our Fordham guys (Jack Mac, Spider and a couple cameos from Smokes) through their intramural softball season. In honor of Hard Knocks starting, I thought I bring light to whats deemed to be the peoples Hard Knocks.

Call me a loser all you want, but I think I’ve watched this documentary roughly 10 times and it gets funnier each time. This is the definition of common man content. Just a bunch of dudes who all peaked in second grade, who had a buddy that did blah blah blah. Such a white boy thing to always have a buddy that_______ (fill in the blank), but that’s besides the point. Going back to the story, the characters are what did it for me.


Some of you may know him from his appearance on the Donnie Does + Lights, Camera, Barstool collab, where he was Donnie’s assistant. He’s OMB’s guy. In the office the kid is quiet and constantly on the move doing lord knows what. So it will come as a surprise to many to see how much of an alpha Spyder is throughout this documentary.

Jack Mac

When it comes to college football, Jack Mac is the Jimmy Garoppolo to Reags Brady. He’s also a registered… never mind. Anyway, he shares the hosting duties with Spyder. I had never seen Jack on camera before this and I have to say I am impressed with how he handled the hosting duties. Seeing as though he isn’t on camera at work, many people don’t get to see how big of a triggered snowflake Jack can be. I’m happy Jack stayed true to himself and couldn’t help but have meltdowns through out the documentary:

Other Characters

One of my favorite scenes in the entire documentary is this scene when Marinaccio gets arrested while Spyder is too busy trynna pull a cleat chaser:

Bob Fox summed it up best:

Big Joe is one of those dudes that brings out the short man syndrome out of all midgets. I feel like if we both ever got wasted around each other, I’d probably end up headbutting him in the balls. That being said, he’s a funny mother fucker in this documentary.

Word on the street is that there is a second season that never hit the internet street. Official quote from Jack Mac:

The second season was under production as a project for one of my classes, but after my liberal arts video teacher watched the first episode, she shut it down. Why? She said it appropriated “bro culture” and that “nobody could relate to it.”

Serafim has moved out of his crib so no bangers in the Bronx anytime soon, which I’m pissed I never got a chance to go to one. Jack Mac is going into his senior year at Fordham and you know I’ll put on a full court press to try and convince him to film one more season. He says they could probably get the team back together for one more season. I hope we can figure something out because I need a second season of this craziness, more than I need air