Watch UFC Welterweights Darren Till And Mike Perry Have An Adorably Hilarious Misunderstanding About Going To The Spa

WELL ISN’T THAT JUST THE CUTEST THING YOU’VE EVER SEEN!!! I want a sitcom starring these two ASAP!

Lost in translation from English to British here was the word “spar”. Mike Perry said he wanted to go “spar”, which, in fighting terms, basically means to fight (usually in a lighter, practicing fashion), and Darren Till thought he said we wanted to go to the “spa”. So he decided to go with the flow, say, “Ah fuck it, why not? A massage seems nice right now.” and agreed. Spa day it is. Maybe even throw some cuces on the eyes.

Mike Perry than warned him, the only gloves he’s got are 4 ounce MMA gloves, and that’s when Darren Till added everything up like the cops at the end of ‘The Usual Suspects’ and realized the fucking savage with face and neck tattoos standing in front of him did not want to go to the spa. He wanted to go fight. To which Till was a little surprised by, being the current #2 ranked Welterweight contender in the world and basically having a challenge thrown down (a friendly one, to be fair, but a challenge nonetheless) by the unranked lunatic that is “Platinum” Mike Perry. He accepted, though, and the two went at it in their hotel.

We won’t know how the sparring session went for a while, but in my mind, it went however Rocky and Apollo’s basement fight did. Just two best buds beating the absolute shit out of each other for fun, out of love. Long live the Platinum Gorilla Connection!!!