Luka Doncic vs Michael Porter Jr Who Ya Got?

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As some of you may know ESPN put out their ROY choices recently and they broke down as follows


For me, there are no real surprises here. You’ll notice though there is a certain rookie missing from this list in Michael Porter Jr. Now I would assume he’s left off because everyone is under the impression he is going to miss a chunk of time, but the beauty of 2018 and the world of social media is something as innocent as this graphic that literally means nothing can still give us the NBA Rookie Beef we didn’t know we needed. What am I talking about? Well nothing declares war faster than a little passive aggressive social media activity

Shots fired! You have to respect a guy like MPJ who basically hasn’t played since high school coming out and essentially saying he thinks Doncic is overrated. You know, the same Luka Doncic who is probably the most decorated European player of all time at his age. I mean look at this shit, this doesn’t happen if you suck

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Naturally like most things do on the internet these days, this ‘like’ opened the floodgates.

It didn’t take long for one of Luka’s old teammate to drop this response, and frankly it’s pretty bullet proof in my opinion. We all know the NBA is filled with petty babies, so maybe MPJ is just a little jealous he fell so far in the Draft and isn’t talked about as one of the best rookies of this class. Now you may be thinking how does Luka play into all this? Did he just let it slide? Of course he didn’t, he did what every kid his age would do and responded in his own passive aggressive petty way

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We have no idea if either of these two players will ultimately work out for their respective franchises, but I do think it’s fair to say we have a whole hell of a lot more to evaluate Luka on than Porter Jr. If MPJ’s point is that Doncic is overrated because he played in Europe, is he saying he’s better because he beat up on kids in high school? That’s not the strongest argument. There’s also the possibility MPJ was talking about Trae Young’s percentage given that he and Young go way back but even still if we’re talking about a player potentially being overrated, I would say Trae Young fits that mold better than Doncic as well. Look, I’ve done extensive research on Doncic aka watched like 5 YouTube videos and I’m confident in saying he’s properly rated. The kid is going to be a stud and there’s a reason he was taken so high.

I’m just glad that in the dog days of summer we can all sit back and watch teenagers have a weak ass social media beef that will ultimately translate onto the court whenever these two guys finally meet. This was a beef I didn’t know I needed, but now that we have it I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds. I’d just like the record to show that I am officially #TeamDoncic.