Monday Homestretch/I HATE NY

Equities mostly lower today primarily on continued geopolitical concerns involving Russia, China, and Turkey.  Materials, energy, and financials are the furthest in the red while telecom and IT are the only sectors managing to eke out gains.

Earnings season finally winding down after more than 90% of S&P 500 companies have posted results. Retailers are usually the last to go, which sucked for me when I traded retailers, but was a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone else.

Macy’s biggest name reporting this week… Stock is up 60% YTD, making it the second best performing retailer, behind a little company called Amazon.

Heres a Finance calendar for rest of week…

Tuesday — Magic Johnson’s birthday, Home Depot earnings

Wednesday — Macy’s, Cisco and NTAP earnings… Large hosting Barstool Breakfast from 7-9AM on SIRIUS Channel 85- and then taping interview with Reverend Run from legendary rap group, Run DMC, and also some new Netflix show that I am going to binge watch tonight… Just so I don’t look like an asshole when I talk to him.

I will definitely be dusting off these motherfuckers…

myadidasThursday — JCPenney, Nordstrom, Walmart and NVDA earnings

Friday — Rev Run segment to air on Barstool Breakfast, John Deere earnings, consumer sentiment at 10AM

Good read from Financial Times from Friday attached below.  Really hits home…


For those who commute in and out of Penn, you might be familiar with today’s target of ire.  I hope it comes through, because it is from my iPhone…


I hope to never learn his/her name, but I call him/her Patrick Sleazy, the dirtiest of dancers… And he’s one of the many reasons I HATE NY.

And finally, here’s a little positive Monday tip for all the heterosexual males or homosexual females who commute by train to the 23rd Street PATH station in Manhattan.

On even the most hot stagnant days the staircase in that station has a vortex of wind that originates in the lowest levels and emanates up towards the street as the trains coming rushing in.  The air that is being forced through to station is by no means refreshing on a hot day because it is uncomfortably warm and laced with particulate matter from dried rat feces and human urine, but that is not the point.  My point is that this sirocco is ultra-effective in blowing up the sundresses of any young ladies climbing the staircase.  It’s an invasion of privacy, I know, but there’s always an inherent risk when wearing a loose dress in a city filled with steam pipes and storm grates…

It’s one of the main reasons I no longer wear my kilt to work.

Take a report.
