"Thank You Radio" by Dave Sulfaro

Barstool Radio might have saved me from elimination, hopefully. The only goal all week has been to win the job. There’s been nothing else on the mind really. But once the headphones went over my head on Barstool Radio, I felt home. I don’t really care what people will think when I write that, it’s the truth. This has been the company I’ve worked towards reaching, and that specific moment of speaking with such accomplished people like Kevin, Feitelberg, Liz and Tommy about exactly who I am, changed everything. Yes, I was completely frazzled and had to meet with both CEO Erika Nardini and Pizza Maker/ Team Captain Frankie Borelli to release whatever was going on. I even asked to have the mic taken off, what an idiotic move at a company that is literally ALWAYS live. Dave will probably destroy me for that, and it’s warranted. However, I’m extremely happy with what I revealed on Radio and certainly hope it can go a long way.

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