I Don't Know What It Is About Yodel Boy But He Is Absolutely Captivating

Look we all know Yodel boy by now. The internet viral sensation that has somehow spurned a full blown music career off a 30 second WalMart video. What I don’t think people understand though is that this kid is legit never going away. And I don’t mean that in a bad way either. There’s just something about him. The dance moves, the yodel EDM, the hat that should fall off his head but somehow never does. I’m intimidated and captivated all at the same time. He’s a bonafide star. Like I know this sounds ridiculous but what if Yodel Kid just becomes a legit 20 year+ music star? Would you be surprised? I wouldn’t. So here I am on August 15th buying all the stock in Yodel Kid. I want to be on the right side of history and that side of history is Mason Ramsey someday owning the world.*

I also respect someone that knows what works and sticks to the plan. He’s Beamer Ball reincarnated in Teen dance moves. Special teams and Defense or in Yodel boys case floss and dab, floss and dab.

*This blog was written after eating an edible at Dodger Stadium last night and sort of freaking out a little bit then taking a red eye flight back to NYC so I may be hallucinating with all of this, whatever.