Meet Emma, The World's Fastest Pug And 3-Time Reigning 50-Meter Champion


Huffington PostThose wondering who can fill the void left by Usain Bolt’s retirement from sprinting need look no further than Emma the pug.

The four-legged cutie won her third straight international 50-meter title for pugs on Saturday in Berlin, according to reports.

The 4-year-old smushed-face sprinter finished in 5.866 seconds to defeat dozens of others in the time trial.

German broadcaster DW says she’s been called “the Usain Bolt of pugs.”

Just a little pug racing to get the blood flowing on this rainy Monday. I don’t really get the whole “ugly dogs are actually cute” phenomenon but it’s not really up to me. You can’t win ‘em all. I don’t get to decide what people like and what they don’t.

That being said, Emma seems like a pretty good girl. A lot of other pugs entered in the competition look like they could’ve probably benefitted from a little more practice. A few didn’t even finish the race; they were too blinded by the bright lights and huge crowd. Not Emma though.

I like to think of Emma as the Allen Iverson of pug racing. Practice? Don’t fucking waste Emma’s time with that noise. Emma shows up on game day and performs. While other, less talented pugs are busting their asses for months trying to perfect their craft, Emma is out on the town drinking Hennessy out the bottle and smoking down Black and Milds in a single drag. Hell, Emma was probably drunk during this race too, but it hardly matters. Some athletes just have it; a God given ability that requires no fine tuning.

What’s next for Emma the pug? Will she take her talents overseas to compete against some of the fastest pugs in the United States? Only time will tell.

Cheers to you, Emma.