President Trump Has No Idea How To Say The Word "Anonymous"

Nope. That’s not it at all. That’s not how you say that word. A-non-y-mous. Donnie Trumps gave it the ol’ college try though. Twice. He really took a good run at it. Didn’t quite get it either time. I mean I get it. There are words in the English language that I just can’t say. Mischievous. Mischievous is a real tongue twister for me. No matter how many times I practice saying it, I fuck it up every time. Not only can I not say it but I’ve screwed up the spelling each time in this blog and had to go back. If I saw “mischievous” on a teleprompter I’d just awkwardly go silent for a beat instead of embarrassing myself for the 11,000th time.

The other explanation is that he’s so scared of the group Anonymous that he doesn’t even wanna utter the word correctly. That I would fully understand. Anonymous is by far the scariest group in the world. I avoid mentioning them at all costs. They could take down the POTUS and the entire government with the click of a mouse. No doubt in my mind. Scary as fuck.