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102 Year Old Woman Wins 200 Meter Race, Does Not Go Dyin' On Us Afterwards

Most days start with my alarm going off followed by the thought that maybe I could get a quick run in if I got up fast enough… but deep down I know I don’t really mean it & the snooze button resets. Next thing you know I’m on the train shoving Cheetos in my face well before noon, embarrassed to take my orange-stained hand out of the bag when I’m done so I wear it like a glove until I get to the office and oh God what have I become…

Anyways! The same can’t be said for a 102 year-old great grandma from Northern India who won a 200 meter race last week at the World Masters Games where the elderly compete. Man Kaur took the gold finishing in 3 min & 14 seconds and then won the javelin throw as well.

(Here’s the part where I should probably mention there were no other competitors in her 100 – 104 age bracket… but still! This might be slightly ageist but I’m impressed/nervous when I see anyone over age 50 doing more than a slight jog so I’m extremely inspired by her.. and she has no plans of stopping.

Kaur didn’t start running until age 93 when her son, in his 70s at the time, brought her to the track so she could get a little exercise. She liked it so much she asked to return & her love of running took off from there. Now she wakes up at 4AM every day to have her chores done by 7AM so she can practice. Her message to the youth:

“Keep away from junk food and stick to an exercise regimen!”

Well I’m screwed, and if you’re reading this with a hangover you probably are, too. Happy Saturday!