Best Thing You'll See Today: A Very Good Pup Getting Saved From A Porch During Hurricane Florence

Look at this good boy or good girl. They have no idea what’s going on. They just know they can’t get off the porch because of the water. First off, whoever left that dog there, I’d like to have some words with you, likely resulting in throwing hands. Don’t be an asshole who leaves your pet, it’s really not that tough to do. You love your pets, bring them with you.

But, does this look like a dog who wasn’t getting out of here without being saved? Absolutely not. This dog looks like it’s ready to go save the world now. I mean look at this face when the guy comes up to the porch knowing that they are saved.


Lab squints perfected here. The tail going a mile a minute. The pup knows it found a new best friend in this guy. Is there anything better than lab squints though? They get me every single time.

Regardless, here’s your feel good video of the day. Now, I hope all the dogs get saved during this and again, take your pets with you. Now someone give that good boy a million bones.