Chick-Fil-A Gives a 100 Year Old Man Free Food for Life as a Birthday Present


Pinellas County, FL (WTVT) – Mr. Steve is Chick-Fil-A’s biggest fan.

He has visited the same Florida location almost every day for 20 years. He sits in the same exact booth, and chooses between the same few menu items.

But recently he fell and couldn’t visit every day, as his son would take him to Chick-fil-A once a week. As a loyal customer he would get 50 percent off, but on his 100th birthday, the staff wanted to give him something extra special.

“Today we are celebrating Mr. Steve’s 100th birthday,” one of the employees explained. “”Mr. Steve, we want to give you Chick-Fil-A for the rest of your life. So no more 50 percent off, you’re getting free.”

At first he couldn’t believe it, and had to ask to make sure what they were saying was real. They told him he could come anytime he wants.

“I think this is just one great surprise for me, I didn’t expect anything like this,” he said. “”That is the best gift that I could have ever received!”

I have a firm belief, clearly expressed in my will, that I want nothing to do with living past 65. In all honesty, I would be fine with kicking the bucket at like 52, but I would feel bad if my grandkids never got to know their old pappy. But I truly believe that nothing good happens after midnight, and nothing good happens after the age of 52. As you get older, you start to smell, you can’t hear as well, you can’t see as well, you forget things, you have to pee every three minutes, all of your family and friends start to die, you get knee and hip problems, and your sex life becomes non-existent. I think? Plus, this world kinda sucks already at 25. Anyways, there isn’t one thing on this entire Earth that would get me to want to live to be 100, but if I absolutely must live to see triple digits, free Chic-Fil-A for life would not be a terrible centennial badge of honor.


Mr. Steve sounds like an absolute boss here. First of all, to be recognized on a one name basis puts him up there with the greats immediately. LeBron, Kobe, Pele, Madonna, Eminem, and now Mr. Steve. You’re telling me this guy has sat in the same booth and ordered the same thing every day for 20 years? That’s the dedication, consistency, and commitment that millennials lack in today’s world. You won’t find a 25 year old eating at the same place each and every day. They’ll probably diversify their restaurant choices like the weak-minded individuals they are.

Now, as much as I want to make this story about Mr. Steve and his 100 years on this Earth, I’m not some uneducated, young muttonhead either. Chick-Fil-A does not care one bit about this old bag. This is nothing more than a genius marketing ploy. Is it up there with Bud Light giving out 200 bottles of beer for billions of dollars of free advertising? No, not quite. But to offer a 100 year old man free food for life probably isn’t going to cost that much in the long run, if you know what I’m saying. Giving an infant free food for life is a dangerous game because they might eat you dry. But giving a 100 year old man free food for life is like a $50 gift certificate.

I hope Mr. Steve lives to see 120 and Chick-Fil-A has to pull the offer. Or what if Mr. Steve comes out as gay? Now that would be wild. However, I think the wildest part is that Mr. Steve said that he is going to eat at Chick-Fil-A every single day for the rest of his life. What about Sundays though, Mr. Steve? He probably forgot. Regardless, if you had to eat at the same fast food restaurant every single day for the rest of your life, what would you choose? I guess Wendys? Maybe Arbys? You definitely can’t do a McDonalds, Taco Bell, or White Castle every single day, that’s for sure. Oh, actually, I choose Panera Bread. #SaturdaysAreForTheMac