Penn State Just Dialed Up One Of The Worst 4th Down Calls With The Game On The Line Ever Of All Time

I’ve never been more baffled by a play call in my entire life. Am I missing something? Did Trace McSorely shatter his right arm prior to this play and they had to run it? Is that what happened? Did Penn State think it was third down? I’m befuddled. I’m perplexed. I’m enraged. What just happened. Now listen, 4th and 5 is no easy spot to be in. There’s no automatic play to get those five yards especially against a defense as good as Ohio State’s. But boy oh boy does a dive out of a shotgun formation after several minutes and multiple timeouts to think things over feel like the absolute worst play call maybe in the history of plays and calls. I’m no snitch but I believe a full scale investigation should be launched to see if James Franklin had money on Ohio State, because as of right now that sounds like the only plausible explanation as to what just happened.