Kobe Bryant's Legendary No-Flinch Moment Is A Sham, A Farce, A Falsity Of Epic Proportions


This single moment in time has changed the way that I look at Kobe Bryant. For years, I’ve thought this moment is what cemented his legacy as one of the most fierce competitors to ever play the game. It was his Jordan moment. He is compared to Jordan in terms of fierceness and veracity because of the non-flinch. Now, I just… I just dont know. For years, Kobe’s greatest moment has been fake news.

He was off to the side? Anyone can not flinch when the ball is going to be thrown off to the side. Why would he flinch there? I thought it was going to hit him in the nose. Have you ever been hit in the nose with a basketball when it’s coming at full-speed? Honest to god, I would rather get shot again than have my nose get hit. Your eyes water. It bleeds. You gotta pick the bloody boogers out of your nose.

The two worst feelings for the consistent sports player is getting the wind knocked out of you and having a ball hit you square in the face. That’s why we respected Kobe for this moment. He knew that his nose might get hit and he stood there in the face of adversity. Now? Now I dont know what to think about his legacy.

All of this means nothing now. NOTHING!