12 Years Ago We Met The Greatest Television Character In History, Tim Riggins

I’ll exaggerate on occasion but I genuinely believe that headline. I won’t fight anyone who chooses to die on the hill of Charlie Kelly, Michael Scott, George Costanza, or Coach Taylor but if you put a gun to my head then I think I’m gonna go with Tim Riggins every time. Just the perfect blend of brooding, cool, loyal, compassionate, caring, protective, funny, etc. When I discovered Friday Night Lights I don’t think I went to class for a week straight because I couldn’t get enough of Riggins. From “I’m not a racist… I just don’t like the guy” to “Make some memories” to “Hey remember when Saracen slept with Coach’s daughter?” he is a can’t miss character. It’s the best show ever and Tim is the best character ever.

Buy a shirt, keep them both in your heart for the rest of time.