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Here We Have 41-Year-Old Vince Carter Casually Ripping 360 Dunks During Practice











Forty-one-years-old! Vince came up with guys like Kobe and Garnett and T-Mac and here he is ripping 360’s like it’s 1998. I don’t know what kind of deal he signed with the Devil but whatever it is, it’s working. His knees must be made of steel. I played twenty-minutes of basketball yesterday and could barely make it up the stairs this morning. If I tried to jump and spin I think my legs would pop clean off my body. We’re definitely not going to see him do this during a game, but just knowing he has the ability is exciting.

He’s on the Hawks this year which means everyone will think he has a chance at the title until the second round of the playoffs. Not that he cares. If he wanted to win, he just would’ve gone to the Warriors. As long as Vince can keep dunking he’s happy and it doesn’t look like he’s slowing down anytime soon. Let’s take a look back at some of his best dunks as seen through his eyes.