Hey Golden State, Shut Up

Houston Rockets v Golden State Warriors

(ESPN) – The Golden State Warriors are ready to celebrate yet another Ring Night on Tuesday as they open up the regular season against the Oklahoma City Thunder, but All-Star guard Stephen Curry acknowledges that the ring celebration is unlike anything the team does all season.

“The ring ceremony is honestly the weirdest night of the year,” Curry said recently. “You’re celebrating something that happened four months ago and then you got to appreciate the moment, see the banner fall, feel the energy from the crowd, then you got to put the rings back, go warm up for two and a half minutes and then play an NBA basketball game where the other team is just salivating, waiting to get ahold of you after seeing the whole ring ceremony. So it’s our third time going through it, I think we’re 1-1 the last two, but it’s just a weird night all the way around. A lot of celebration, but for us we can’t really sit and just relax after you get the ring like we did something because that’s old news by that point. So we’ll be ready to go.”

Warriors teammate Klay Thompson echoed a similar sentiment to Curry’s, in that the celebration, followed up quickly by the preparation for a new game in a new season, makes for a strange combination.

Just shut the fuck up. I mean nobody wants to hear this coming from GS right now.

“Ohhhh wahhhhh it’s so weird to celebrate a championship so long after winning it, it’s so weird and just motivates the other team wahhhhh. It’s so hard to go through the ceremony and then immediately focus on a new season wahhhhhhh”

What a bunch of assholes. Spoiled, best team on the planet and probably going to win it again assholes. You know who doesn’t feel sorry for you, Warriors? The entire basketball community. In fact, the entire thing is going to make all of us sick. I know Curry wasn’t intentionally fishing for sympathy but he totally was. Nobody likes someone talking about how hard something is when we all know it was easy as shit for them to accomplish. It’s not like they have the parade four months after winning it either. You get your chance to celebrate immediately after beating LeBron again, so what’s the problem.

You think a team that has never won a title would ever say something like this? No chance. I don’t know why this makes me so irrationally angry, but it does. Maybe it’s because I went nearly my entire life without seeing one in person for the team I dedicate my life to, but you know what, I wouldn’t trade this night for the world nor would I ever even think of complaining if I was fortunate to experience it multiple times.


God dammit now I’m crying again. Anyway, let me get back to my overall point. Shut up Golden State. Nobody wants to hear you complain about your ring ceremony/banner raising. That whole woah is me bullshit is falling on deaf ears. God I cannot wait until their dynasty run is over. Bunch of dickheads.