Does This Look Like A Man Who Broke A Hoop By Dunking Without Jumping?


Step 1. Meet Boban. I just blogged about him, but this is too good. This literally happened right after I hit publish because it works out that way. This was the ending of a play.

Step 2:

Here’s the play as a whole:

I seriously can’t get enough Boban. He’s so awesome he warrants two blogs post midnight and something tells me this won’t be the last time we do this. He’s that entertaining. He’s also been pretty damn good tonight, playing in the post against a good Nuggets team. The Clippers are even winning the game right now with under 4 to go as we type this up.

So, yes. Yes, it looks like a man who broke the bucket without jumping. I need him to break the whole damn backboard, rim, everything at some point.