Lets Get Our Monday Morning Rolling By Watching An Extraordinary Parking Lot Meltdown

I imagine most of us are in our own little personal brands of hell today. It could be because Andy Reid fucked you out of the Over last night, your NFL/fantasy team shit the bed yet again, you are hungover as fuck, or you are just locked into another week of misery at the cube farm as death’s glorious touch moves another day closer. Regardless of why you hate life today, I hope watching this lady’s absolutely ridiculous case of road rage parking lot passion brought a slight smile to your face on the worst day of the week.

That woman clearly left the house in her fuel efficient Ford Focus ready to go nuclear on someone’s ass with Viagra jokes and dick size quips. I don’t think she cared if it was some dude in the parking lot, a cashier in the store, or some poor waitress on the way home. Fortunately for us, the guy in the black Jeep was her mark and he took took it on the chin while calmly recording that banshee ranting at him. I mean you have to tip your cap to someone that is so sure they are right in a parking argument when they parked like this:



While the person they are screaming at parked like this:


And we won’t even go into the most egregious parking crime committed by Frannie Focus, which was wasting a perfectly good pull through spot.


Yeah I know this happened at a home improvement store, which is one of the two places you usually don’t pull through (along with warehouse stores like Costco). But there is no chance this lady was loading up on lumber or 50 pound bags of salt. Seeing her waste that spot was almost as bad as her roasting this guy’s manhood and leaving out his choice of footwear.


You know where an argument like this would never happen? Lowe’s. The people there are just too classy. That’s probably why the good people at Craftsman sell their tools including 51 and 81 piece mechanic sets with gunmetal chrome finish. Those other home improvement stores have ratchet people in the parking lot while Lowe’s has the industry-leading Craftsman 120 tooth ratchet set that you can see for yourself at Lowes.com/podfathers. That’s the difference between Lowe’s and those other places. One is a place where you can turn a house into a home with quality tools that have withstood the test of time while the other is a place where you get yelled at by some kook that says you are old, unhappy, and bought your car simply because you have a shitty dick.