Screw Steph Curry For Making Sons Everywhere Feel Like Disappointments


(ESPN) – Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry and his father Dell have now scored the second-most points of any father/son combination in NBA history after the younger Curry scored 29 points in a 123-103 win over the Phoenix Suns on Monday.

The Currys, who have now combined for 27,226 points, passed Dolph and Danny Schayes’ 27,218 points and trail only Joe and Kobe Bryant, 38,895 points, for the all-time lead.

“It’s pretty special,” Curry said after the game. “Knowing what my dad in his career for 16 years and him passing the torch to me. And I’m going to try to talk to the rules committee and see if we can get Seth Curry’s numbers in there, too. Strength in numbers right there. See if we can catch Kobe and his dad.”

This family man, out here just making the rest of us sons feel like gigantic disappointments in the eyes of our fathers. You think your Dad loves you, and maybe he does, but he doesn’t love you as much as Dell Curry loves his two sons, primarily Steph. Last March Steph passed his Dad on the NBA All Time Scoring list

and now he has Kobe and his Dad in his sights. It’s truly incredible what the Curry family has been able to accomplish in the NBA, some might say they are NBA Family royalty, and obviously a large part of that has to do with the player Steph turned into. I mean teams have kept signing his bother just because he has that Curry blood flowing through his veins. As a father, how could you not love Steph for that. Now to pass Kobe they need 11,678 more points. To put that in perspective, Curry averages between 1,800 and 2,300 points a season at this current level. He’s already 30 and has 122 points this season, so you can see it’s going to require he maintain this level of production for about 5-7 years if they want to claim the top spot. Where he benefits is the league is shifting towards his style, and he should be able to shoot like this for another 10+ years so I wouldn’t rule it out.

But honestly, I only care about how this makes the rest of us look. I already knew I disappointed Papa Greenie when he realized I could pretty much never break 90 on the golf course and he sneaky just stopped inviting me with his friends so I wouldn’t make him look bad. I knew I disappointed him when I went to ASU instead of UConn where he went and played for Jimmy V in the 70s, but I mean, come on that was not my fault who chooses Storrs over Tempe? In fact, I’d say the proudest he’s ever been of me is probably when I graduated college in just 4 years saving him money and then when I got this job, and as we know that brought on it’s own set of issues. So on behalf of sons everywhere, I’m going to have to ask Steph Curry to just chill out man. Some of us just want to buy some ties and talk on the phone every once in a while to keep our Dads happy, we don’t need you going out there and shitting all over us with your awesome basketball achievements.

Now, this also made me think of who could be next. The obvious answer is Lebron/Bronny Jr, and here’s how that stacks up. LeBron is already at 31,120 points and counting, and he averages around 1,900 to 2,000 points a season. Safe to say he’s for sure playing at least 4 more years so that honestly would have him close to passing Kareem for #1 on the all time list. That means all Bronny Jr has to do is just make it to the league which of course he will, and score like 10 points. You know LeBron is holding out until he can be the one that passes him the ball to make this happen. The other candidate is LeBron’s best friend DWade and his son Zaire Wade. Dwyane is at 22,121 career points and counting, but he’s probably in his last run so he’ll finish around the mid 23s. That means his son is going to have to score 15K+ points if he ever makes it to the league, which would be around the 116th All Time, or basically Amar’e Stoudamire. For comparison, Harden already has 15,894. That one feels a little less likely.

In looking at all the other candidates, there’s really only one other father/son duo that you should look out for, and it resides in Boston