I Think I Want To Fuck This Duck?

Didn’t expect to dip my toe into beastiality today but facts are facts: this duck is sexy as hell. It’s beautiful. I want to take it home to meet my parents then make sweet love to it. I don’t even know if it’s a guy or a girl but it doesn’t matter, when it comes to ducks I’m bi-curious apparently. This thing is fucking regal. I actually feel bad that it was to eat leaves and wonder bread, I want to track it down and bring it a steak dinner to eat by candlelight every evening because that’s what this duck deserves. Maybe mix in a spaghetti supper one night and reenact the All Dogs Go to Heaven scene when I’m feeling particularly frisky. Beautiful, beautiful duck. Congratulations to it for being so attractive. Makes that Ugly Duckling swan look like a real piece of shit.