Jimmy Kimmel Getting Parents To Tell The Children They Ate All The Halloween Candy Is Once Again A Cruel, Evil Move

A tradition like no other: Jimmy Kimmel gets attention whore parents to videotape their kids crying their souls out because they lost out on a couple Kit-Kats. Nothing cuter than the kids who couldn’t give a hoot. And that’s a reflection to how well Mommy and Daddy raised them to not sweat the small stuff. On the other hand, the same goes for the children that go postal. Those little shits that scream their faces off have never been told no in their lives and I GUARANTEE once the camera shut off they were given all the candy in the world. And I’m sure the kids who instantly smacked their parents over candy are going to have rich, fulfilling lives of being hated by society. Millenials.

But why are these kids getting wise to Jimmy’s tomfoolery of Halloween? The logical explanation is these parents know Kimmel features this segment every single year. I’d bet a Buffalo Nickel a few of these Mommies and Daddies tried these shenanigans before and their footage didn’t make the cut. The kid’s simply remember the bull. So, naturally, next year we’re gonna have the parents actually eating the candy in front of their childrens’ faces. Completely damaging innocent souls just to be able to post a 20-sec clip on their Facebook account of when they made their child cry on national TV. This is America.

Another year, another example of Jimmy Virals doing his thing again. A true master of the clickity craft.