In Which Kate Gets Attacked By A Dog For Content Purposes

I’m not quite sure where it started but I’ve always had a small fear of dogs. Some of my friends have dogs who I love being around & it always makes me happy when a coworker brings their pup to the office. And though there’s been a couple close calls when I’ve been out jogging, nothing traumatic has ever happened. Perhaps it’s simply that I didn’t grow up around them (I mean, take a look at me – I’m a cat/plant lady) and that in the Marines I saw what they were capable of with a highly skilled trainer at the helm.

Never in a million years did I think I’d be in that realm again, but in video 3 out of 4 on our trip with Starbucks we visited San Antonio where the vet we got to meet happened to be a former MWD (military working dog). I was excited to see Chaps in his element because I know how much he loved his MOS (military occupational specialty aka military job) as a canine handler but was also terrified to play a part in all this.

Before we even got to the shoot I was shaking & my brain was convincing me something very bad was going to happen. It would forgo the bite suit & go straight for my *beautiful (*at least that’s what my mom says) face. It would turn away from me & attack one of the camera guys. It would grab hold of my hand & eat my index finger like ballpark frank. I’d ugly-cry on camera.

With this particular pup, Olaf, that didn’t seem too far fetched. He gave zero fucks & the second he saw the bite suits he began straining against the leash giving an aggressive & eerie growl. When he bit Chaps’s arm guard his eyes rolled back in his head like a shark’s when it smells blood. I legit wanted out… but we’d come so far & I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t give it a try (and get that sweet, sweet #content.)

On went the bite suit & though it may not look like much in the video, Olaf was strong AF. He knocked me to the ground each time even with two people trying to help me on my feet. He also latched onto my broken elbow each time like he knew. Terrifying. All in all, it gave me a newfound respect for what canine handlers in all branches of military & civil service do. I can’t imagine doing that day in & day out & it takes a special kind of person to get past any fear & form that bond to get important jobs done. Some badass ladies & gents out there. (Clearly I am not one of them.)

You can check the video out on Twitter or HERE on the site.

The other two are below & the final video from Dallas will be out later this week.