UFC Fighter "Platinum" Mike Perry Looked Like He Was On Bath Salts Or Something During Faceoffs

Disclaimer: UFC Fighter “Platinum” Mike Perry was not on bath salts – or any drugs – during faceoffs. At least to the best of my knowledge. Don’t sue us.

Tonight, at UFC Denver, the company’s 25th Anniversary Card, Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone will take on “Platinum” Mike Perry in a welterweight contest, and folks – I almost don’t want the fight to happen. I don’t wish any ill will on either fighter. I don’t want either one to get hurt, injured, or sick between now and the time they get the opportunity to step into the octagon with one another…but I just don’t want the ride we’re on right now to end. Between the original Cowboy/JacksonWink split, the Joe Rogan podcast, the weird UFC Tonight appearance by Perry, the “friendly” hair-ed reporter, this faceoff…this has flown under the radar as one of the most entertaining builds to a fight we’ve gotten all year!

I mean…what the fuck was Perry on in this faceoff clip?! What’s he doing?! Why’s he yelling and flexing and practically foaming at the mouth? I doubt it’s an intimidation tactic, or an attempt to make the media think he’s “crazy” or “unhinged”…I think he’s just that crazy and unhinged. I don’t hate it, though. Obviously, as I content guy, I love it, but just as a fan of mixed martial arts – I want characters. I want the UFC’s roster to look and feel as diverse as the roster on Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. And you know what? There ain’t many other fighters in the UFC – all face tatted up – behaving like a goddamn rottweiler in public.

So…thanks, “Platinum” Mike Perry. Thanks for keeping things fresh, always.

Still ridin’ with the Cowboy, tonight, though. And the KOREAN MFing ZOMBIE!!!!