Even Family Members Can't Stay Out Of This Golden State Drama


One of the best parts about NBA beef is while the team and the players will downplay the situation, their families cannot help themselves from telling us how they really feel and what the situation really is. Well, this GS ordeal is no different as we’re starting to get the family members from everyone involved weighing in. We’ll start with Mama Durant, who just so happened to drop this little nugget right when all this shit was going on

Harmless right? Well what if the biggest problem Draymond has is that Durant is already out the door and there are already rumors flying that he’s going to somehow wind up in LA? Sure she didn’t directly say that but you have to read in between the lines sometimes. Maybe that’s why Draymond is so upset, because he knows Durant is going to go to the Lakers to go team up with Lebron.

But even I can admit, that’s stretching things a bit. So let’s go to some other family members that are way more direct in their comments involving this whole situation. We had Draymond’s mom come in and say what I’m sure many Warriors fans deep down feel

and if you watch the play it’s hard to argue. Durant didn’t really run the floor if we’re being honest, which who knows if he had maybe this whole thing could have been avoided. Slightly juicy, but not the good stuff. For that we have to go back to Durant’s brother. You remember him right? He has already been hinting at stuff in Instagram all year, remember this?

He immediately tried to downplay this like it was just the internet trying to start stuff. Yeah OK pal. How are we to believe that when he had this on his Instagram stories?



Is this another case of you not talking about your brother leaving? Go ahead and try to tell me this isn’t Durant’s brother taking a shot at Draymond. On top of that, you know Durant is aware of this and isn’t doing anything about it which mean he pretty much agrees. This is why the NBA is great because while players can’t say what’s on their minds you can almost guarantee a family member is going to come onto the internet and tell it like it really is.

“Follow along before the greatness is done rubbing off on you” aka you aren’t going to be shit once my brother leaves. Clear as day in my mind.

So if you’re already sick of this nonsense, I have bad news for you. In my opinion this is only the beginning. Nothing screams NBA drama like pettiness on social media, and as long as these two are on the same team and still hate each other, we’ll have to rely on their family members to tell us how they really feel. Pretty crazy that the team going through this is the fucking Warriors and not someone like the Wizards, but that’s why this league is so awesome, you never know where the entertainment is going to come from.