End Your Workday With The Best Dunks From Week 6

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Everybody knows the first Monday back after Thanksgiving break is one of the worst days of the entire year. All that shit you put off last week for Future You to worry about reared it’s ugly head today, and chances are you had a rough one today at the office. Just because I worked from my house today doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten what today is like for the normal cube monkey. My heart weeps for you, but hey you made it this far. You’re very close to getting out of there and enjoying your freedom. We have MNF tonight, we have a near full NBA slate, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

So naturally, what type of blogger would I be if I didn’t give you something to kill the last 10 minutes or so of your day. You can’t forget where you come from so I know that you need anything and everything you can find right now to distract you. Well what better way to ignore the last of your bullshit than to watch the best dunks from the last week. Everyone loves dunks, it’s impossible not to, and last week sure as hell delivered with some quality posters.

You know the drill. Sit back, hit play, watch some athletic freaks do their thing and then get the hell out of your office. You made it through this brutal day, congratulations.