Kareem Hunt was Caught on Video Beating and Kicking a Woman and it is Brutal

SourceTMZ Sports has obtained video of Kansas City Chiefs star running back Kareem Hunt shoving, bull-rushing and kicking a woman in a Cleveland hotel back in February.

Kareem has not missed a single game this season despite the incident happening MONTHS before the 2018 NFL season kicked off … and team CEO Clark Hunt publicly stated in August he doubted Hunt would be suspended.

In the video, Hunt is seen arguing with a 19-year-old woman outside of his room at The Metropolitan at the 9 at 3:22 AM on February 10, 2018.

Hunt turns a corner and confronts the woman, shoving her hard. The woman strikes him back in the face … and that’s when Hunt goes berserk.

As friends try to hold him back, the 2017 Pro Bowler — who led the league in rushing yards — explodes and knocks one of his friends into the woman … who both go flying into a wall.

Both Kareem’s male friend and the woman appear dazed — but Kareem makes his way over to the female and kicks her while she’s crouching on the ground … knocking her over.

Police were called to the scene but no arrests were made. According to police reports, obtained by TMZ Sports, surveillance video from the hotel was obtained by law enforcement. We’re told that video is part of the evidence that was submitted to prosecutors.

First to Kareem Hunt. He’s a piece of shit. The video doesn’t lie. He probably did when he talked his way out of getting suspended for this. As I’m sure the other witnesses did. Only they, the police, the Kansas City Chiefs, the NFL and God know what lies were told to somehow explain away why he’d shove a woman, toss his friend into her, slamming her to the ground and then kick her while she’s down. But the video is unambiguous.

Next, to the NFL. And to Roger Goodell. It’s absolutely astonishing how incapable this feckless, thin-lipped empty suit can’t get simple disciplinary things right. How he can continue to treat heinous offenses like misdemeanors and misdemeanors like capital crimes. Smoke weed and you lose a quarter of the season. Beat your fiance unconscious in an elevator like Ray Rice, put your wife and kids in so much fear NFL Security has to whisk them away to a secret location like Josh Brown and that’s negotiable. Two games. One game. Maybe none, like Kareem Hunt

This isn’t that hard. Pick any group of people at random and they can do the job of deciding right from wrong. That’s exactly how the legal system does it. And any randomly selected group can do better than a multi-billion dollar industry run by a guy making $40 million to decide how to discipline people. I’d call it a joke but no one should be laughing.

So now that we’ve seen the video it’s Ray Rice all over again. The same speeches will be given about how “we need to do it better.” More yammering about process and mistakes being made and transparency. But it’s only because the security camera footage was leaked will a damned thing be done to this abusive scumbag.