Sounds Like Cody Parkey Has Doink'd His Last Kick In Chicago

Well well well. The message was pretty clear here from Nagy and Pace when it comes to Cody Parkey. NOBODY in Chicago was happy with the way the season ended, but some things can be forgiven. Especially if you have a contract that carries a heavy cap burden into next year. Other things, like a pity tour on National TV for all of the soccer moms in America, that the Bears can’t abide. It sounds like Cody Parkey blew his own leg off by going on the Today Show last week. You can’t be terrible and selfish. That’s a fast way to get fired in any profession. Huge indictment from the Bears brass. Very excited to see Cody Parkey go on the Today show to say he shouldn’t have gone on the Today show.

Now there’s going to be competition for the kicking position, according to Pace. That competition will likely be an open invite. Anyone not named Cody Parkey and anyone willing take league minimum as they still need to absord his cap hit.

I think everyone wanted a scalp for the game, and an improvement for next year. The Today Show appearance by Parkey sounds like it was the final nail in the coffin for him. As Carl would say “HOW MUCH DO WE HAVE TO PAY THIS GUY?!?! SIX MILLION TEN MILLION HOWEVER THE FUCK!! GET OFF THE FUCK OUTTA HERE”.

Peace out, Cody.

Now, bring back Robbie.