We've Got More Patriots AFC Championship Game Hype Videos

Julian Edelman’s Bet Against Us:

Another tour de force from the master of modern hype video cinema. It starts out almost as a tribute video to the Chiefs offense until taking a hard turn with Tom Brady’s “everybody thinks we suck” postgame comments. Like the man who directed it, it’s short but comes up big when counts.

Independence Day:

Click on it to see the Director’s Cut, which is an almost 9-minute compilation of every great play of the season, interspersed with the negativity from the usual collection of naysayers, set to a dramatic soundtrack. It’s worth a watch. But I’ve cued it up to my own personal highlight. Because like every other sentient being on the planet, I can’t get enough of Bill Pullman’s ID4 speech. Which begs the question, when are we just going to elect him President once and for all?

Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame:

This is not the first Patriots/Endgame mashup I’ve posted. And if I have my way, it won’t be the last. Nice touch with the Infinity War audio at the end as well. “This does put a smile on my face.”

The Empire Strikes Pat

The Patriots as the Evil Empire with Belichick as Palpatine has been done for the better part of 20 year. And yet this update, with Patrick Mahomes and Yoda Reid all done in the style of Jib Jab keeps it fresh.

Brady vs. Mahomes: The Last Jedi

It’s almost hard to tell which fanbase this is for. If I’m a Chiefs fan, I’m rallying behind “Let the past die. Kill it. If you have to.” But it works either way for me. And since there’s no 30 minute plot thread about a trip to Planet Foxwoods that goes absolutely nowhere, it’s better than the original.

Let’s kick this thing off already. #StillHere. #EverythingWeGot #KeepRexBurkheadAwayFromBradysThrowingHand