Brock Lesnar Launching His WWE Championship At Vince McMahon's Head After WrestleMania Last Year Is Legitimately Stunning Stuff

Last night, after the WWE’s Royal Rumble went off the air, a brand new episode of WWE 24 aired on the Network – a docu-series following certain events/superstars in major moments – this one showcasing last year’s WrestleMania event as a whole.

It opened up with the above clip, where you can see a pissed off Brock Lesnar enter the gorilla position backstage after main eventing the show to a chorus of boos while a large percentage of the Mercedes-Benz Superdome actually filed out, and he LAUNCHES the WWE Universal Championship – which he had just successfully defended – at Vince McMahon’s head, prompting an all-time “ASSHOLE!” chirp from the Chairman.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but I’ll say this first – this clip definitely ain’t a work.

I received word shortly after ‘Mania that Vince and Brock “got into it” backstage after the show, and I had no idea what that meant (and also didn’t have enough evidence to take that with anything more than a grain of salt), but this validates those rumors BIG TIME, and makes that “tension” way more drastic than I had previously thought. Imagine being back there at the time? I’d shit my god damn pants.

I think this awkward-ass ref who didn’t know whether or not to clap or what did!

I mean…Brock Lesnar is legitimately the only person in the company who could do that outside of maybe John Cena and Triple H that wouldn’t get fired on the spot.

If you’re wondering why Lesnar did this, I don’t really have a concrete answer for ya, because they didn’t go into it AT ALL, but I’d assume it’s based on the fact that he was just shit on ruthlessly by 80,000 hardcore wrestling fans – many of whom flew in from all over the world to be there – who decided that beating traffic was more important than staying and watching the main event of the biggest show of the year, and that’s entirely Vince McMahon’s fault for just being the worst at booking and understanding what the fans want to see.

In my mind, Brock blames Vince for putting him in a position to fail, which he should’ve, and that’s why the launch happened.

Gotta love Heyman just ridin’ or dyin’ with Brock, though, keeping his kayfabe-ass waddle going like he didn’t just see the most outrageous thing he’s ever seen in his life.

P.S. I also made an appearance in this episode of WWE24 and it was much less anxiety-inducing than that previous clip.