Last Night's Super Bowl Commercials Had All My Favorite Things


Everyone loves to make a big deal about Super Bowl commercials. In reality, they haven’t been funny in like over a decade. Every year, people just basically say “Wow the commercials were so bad this year.” Well, last night the commercials directly targeted me. They included all my favorite things. I couldn’t believe it.

Jason Bateman

Nobody is a bigger Jason Bateman fan than me. He is the king of the slightly above average comedy – my favorite movie genre. This commercial was right up my alley. It had Bateman in the straight-man role delivering dry humor – what he does best. The premise of the commercial was great too, revolving around life’s worst, mundane experiences. Bateman did it again.


Shortly after my favorite actor, we got my favorite TV show. The voice and music combined to make goosebumps city. I will say I don’t like how they’re talking about “changing the game.” Just stick to the basics. Don’t mess with a good the best ever thing.


I know Big Cat gets all the praise around these parts as the biggest A-Rod supporter since he works for him or whatever (check out The Corp), but it was me who showed up to Opening Day 2015 with a #FORG1V3 t-shirt. It was me who stalked him down at a San Francisco street corner in 2005 while he was with his wife and kids. It was me who worked his press conference announcing his retirement and offered him a shoulder to cry on. I’m a, as they say, “Day 1.” Also look at this electric thumbs up.



I knew this was coming and blogged about it Friday. ASMR makes it mainstream. Seems to have been pretty mixed reactions. It likely got some new fans, and some new detractors wondering what the hell was happening. Some people were saying I did it better.

Their words, not mine.

(but also mine)


Everyone knows I’m a sucker for a good haircut video. Watching a nice haircut video is a form of ASMR for me. This wasn’t the best haircut video I’ve ever seen, but it’s the thought that counts.

Game Of Thrones

This one is a lot less specific to me, since pretty much everyone loves Game Of Thrones. It’s slightly more mainstream than watching haircut videos. But it’s still probably my third favorite show of all time (behind Survivor and Chuck) so it was cool to see nonetheless.

So I don’t want to say that the Super Bowl was directly targeting with their commercials, but it certainly seems like it.