Demi Lovato Deletes Twitter, Was Slammed For Laughing At 21 Savage Memes

Twitter giveth, and then Twitter taketh away. The whole site was laughing at the 21 Savage memes yesterday. There were memes everywhere. ICYMI- 21 Savage was taken into custody in Atlanta by ICE. ICE is claiming that he is actually a UK national and has been living in the US with an expired visa. Twitter went CRAZY with this news because 21 Savage has claimed to be an Atlanta native, and if this is all true his public persona has been a big fat lie this whole time.

Demi Lovato’s Twitter is now deleted, but she chimed in last night posting, “So far 21 savage memes have been my favorite part of the Super Bowl.” She then got absolutely roasted on Twitter by people claiming she was making fun of immigration issues and deportation. Twitter took a complete 180 on Demi Lovato.

Demi laughs at memes and people trash her social media basically telling her to overdose again (she’s been six months sober since she overdosed in July). Wishing she would overdose again or even DIE because she laughed at the meme saying 21 Savage writes his lyrics with a feather pen.

So Demi Lovato’s last tweet read, “Fuck Twitter. This is why I don’t tweet anymore.” And that was the end of that. Twitter deleted.