Cliff Kellerman Got Put in a Bodybag by Kyle Van Noy and Sony Michel

Sweet mother of God. Cliff Kellerman brought a spork to a gun fight.

In a six minute conversation there are just so many gems it’s hard to know which ones to pick out. But I’ll try:

“Rob Parker should be moving to Mexico.”

Kyle Van Noy thanking Cliff for doubting them.

“What do you say about that???” “We won the Super Bowl. … He’s the GOAT and we won the Super Bowl.”

Sony Michel saying they never doubted themselves after losing back-to-back games and doing the “we just kept our heads down and kept working” thing like a 3-year veteran.

“Yeah, I’ll take his wet noodle arm any day.”

Just landing haymaker after haymaker. And punching down all the way. Even after Cliff sucked up to them so much he should’ve been wearing a dental dam.

Not that he’s wrong. I’ve watched this play by Van Noy more than any other in the entire game and I’m still astonished by how fast he covers 20 yards after coming off the underneath zone:

Or how many times Michel refused to go down at first contact:

But since I have to choose, I’ll go with KVN telling them that if someone handed him the Clown Kellerman sign, he would’ve thrown it in the trash because he’s not Clown Treatment-worthy.

Peyton Manning never teabagged a college trainer as bad as Cliff got teabagged on his own show. That is my favorite kind of aggressiveness – the passive kind – raised to an art form. Well done by these two champs. #StillHere #KisstheRings