Nebraska Head Coach Tim Miles Isn't Worried About Getting Fired Because "I'm Still A Millionaire, So I've Got That Going"

“If they fire me, they’re still going to pay me. I’m still a millionaire, so I’ve got that going for me,” Miles told Goodman.

What a line. I don’t care if this is in sarcasm or not. It’s true! Embrace it Tim. Of course he couldn’t just embrace it because naturally people got upset about it and he was forced to apologize:

Fuck those people who got upset about it. No one should be offended that Tim Miles, who made Nebraska basketball at least somewhat relevant, is going to get fired and still get paid. He’s a millionaire, let the man live.

The last two years have been a bit of bad luck for Miles and Nebraska. Well, really this year. Last year Nebraska was a bit of a surprise finishing 4th in the Big 10, but not having any notable wins or road wins cost them. A year later they are in the tournament with that season. This year Isaac Copeland went down with a season ending injury and that essentially derailed the season for them. They are now 15-12 and 5-11 in the Big 10. That ain’t getting in.

Enjoy being a millionaire, Tim. You do have that going for you. And will probably get hired somewhere else too. Good for you. I’m here for honest quotes.