Super Bowl Workers Still Haven't Been Paid, Proving Goodell is a Monster

Source - Former Atlanta City Councilman Derrick Boazman, community activists and dozens of employees who worked during Super Bowl week demanded accountability from the City of Atlanta and the NFL after B.E. Staffing apparently closed without handing out paychecks to over 200 people.

“We are standing in front of Mercedes-Benz Stadium asking for relief … it’s very clear they never intended to pay these folks,” Boazman said. …

“These people worked 70 plus hours, standing on their feet 14 hours per day. These represent some of the poorest, hardworking class of individuals,” Boazman said. “They are seniors … students. People are literally trying to pay their light bills with this money.”

The Atlanta-based staffing firm that hired the people, B.E. Staffing Services, was authorized by the NFL to hire temporary workers for the event. Boazmen says B.E. Staffing apparently shut down its offices days after the game was over.

If you still need proof that Roger Goodell is a despicable, vaguely human-shaped demon sent here from the Hell dimension to make human beings suffer, then look no further.

The Ginger Satan has all sorts of money to throw at non-problems like putting out Old West wanted posters of Barstool guys so they don’t sully his precious events:


Not to mention pay himself $40 million a year. But to the people who took jobs making the biggest event of his year a success under the promise they’d be paid for it? He has nothing but a deaf ear.

It’s not like these workers went right to the office supply place to get these signs printed up and took straight to the streets. I have no doubt they let the NFL know they never got paid for their work. All they’re looking for is what they earned. Their fair share. And still, almost a month later, they haven’t seen a penny. That soulless, animatronic empty suit could cover all their lost wages just out of the money he’s going to fine Mr. Kraft over The Tug Rule. But he’d rather lay back in his Scrooge McDuck like pool of gold coins while the children of these diligent workers go hungry.

Even a man of my stature, influence and celebrity cringes at the use of the term “the little people.” So instead I’ll change the old expression to “You can tell everything about someone by how they treat the working people.” As Jesus put it, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” And in Roger Goodell’s case, what he did to the least of these our brothers (and sisters) is lie, cheat and rip them off for free labor. And I for one proudly stand with the Atlanta 200.